What re the implications of "mi'Kir ha'Ir va'Chutzah"?
Eruvin, 57a: It implies that one should add a small area (seventy Amos plus) to the town 1 before measuring the thousand Amos.
See Torah Temimah, note 4.
How do we reconcile this Pasuk, which gives the space around the town as one thousand Amos, with the following Pasuk, which gives it as two thousand Amos?
Rashi and Ramban #1 (both citing Sotah, 27b) and Rashbam (in Pasuk 5): The inner thousand Amos are Migrash 1 , the outer thousand, 2 fields and vineyards.
Ramban #2: Given that the town itself measures one thousand Amos square, they first leave a thousand Amos by five hundred on each side - corresponding to the town itself, and then add to that - filling in the corners so that the Migrash extends beyond the town - making a total of two thousand Amos square with the town in the middle. 3