
What does the Torah mean when it continues "ve'Lo Sikchu Kofer Lanus el lr Miklato"?


Rashi: It means that one should not accept a ransom for the life of a murderer be'Shogeg who has fled to his Ir Miklat - in order to allow him to return home before the Kohen Gadol dies. 1


Ramban and Targum Yonasan: Pasuk 31 forbids accepting a ransom to exempt a murderer be'Meizid from the death-penalty, whereas the current Pasuk forbids accepting a ransom to exempt a murderer be'Shogeg from Galus or to return home before the Kohen Gadol dies. 2


Moshav Zekenim (citing his Rebbe): Also this Pasuk is discussing a murderer be'Meizid. Pasuk 31 forbids accepting a ransom to totally exempt him, whereas the current Pasuk forbids accepting a ransom even to allow him to flee to an Ir Miklat and to remain there. 3


Rashi: "la'Nus" is synonymous with "le'Nas" ('to the one who fled') - like "Shuvei Milchamam" (in Michah, 2:8) which means 'who returned from the battle-field' and "ki Mulim Hayu" (in Yehoshua, 5:5, which means 'who were circumcised'). Refer to 35:32:151:1 and note.


See Torah Tmimah, note 75 as to why one needs both Pesukim.


Moshav Zekenim: This is difficult, seeing as the Gemara in Makos 9b establishes the current Pasuk by a murderer be'Shogeg?


What are the implications of Lashuv Lasheves ba'Aretz"?


Makos, 11b: It implies burial, 1 and teaches us that if, after he has been sentenced to Galus, the murderer dies before fleeing to an Ir Miklat, his body is taken to an Ir Miklat for burial.


Bava Kama, 25a: It implies that if the period of a Nirtza come to n end, and in the process of trying to send him away his master inadvertently wouonds him, he is Patur. 2


Refer to 35:28:3:1


See Torah Temimah, note 76.



Rashi writes that "Lanus" is like "la'Nas." We never find a verb explained like this in the Torah! Why can it not mean literally 'Do not accept a ransom from a murderer who is obligated to go to an Ir Miklat'?


Rashi and Ramban: Because the Pasuk, which ends "Lashuv Lasheves ba'Aretz", is clearly discussing a murderer who has already fled! 1


Ramban: Since initially, even a murderer be'Shogeg flees to an Ir Miklat, in case the Go'el ha'Dam thinks that he was Meizid. The Pasuk needs only to forbid accepting a ransom to allow him to return home.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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