What is the difference between, "li'Vehemtam" and "li'Rechusham"?
Seforno: "li'Vehemtam" refers to their animals for riding and carrying loads (horses, donkeys and camels); "li'Rechusham," to their sheep, goats and cattle.
Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: For their animals and other possessions, respectively.
What is "le'Chol Chayasam" coming to include?
Rashi: It includes all their general needs.
Seforno: It includes an area for keeping bee-hives, dove-cotes and other similar things.
Makos, 12a: It implies that the towns are designated for living purposes and may not be used for burying the dead. 1
Nedarim, 81a: It comes to include an area for washing clothes - to avoid scabs growing on one's skin. 2