For whom was their hatred?
Radak: The verse did not explain; it refers to Bnei Yisrael ? "va'Tager Es Bnei Yisrael." Malbim ? the hatred was always covered in their hearts 1 .
Surely, this is from when Esav heard that Yakov took the Brachos. (PF)
What is the meaning of "va'Tager"?
Rashi: You lowered. This is like "v'Higarti la'Gai Avaneha" (Michah 1:6). They handed them over to their enemies when they fled via their land ? "v'Al Ta'amod Al ha'Perek? v'Al Tasgir Seridav]" (Ovadyah 1:14).
Radak: This is like melting, like "Yagiruhu Al Yedei Cherev" (Tehilim 63:11); the blood spills from wounds via a sword.
Malbim: (You fought 1 ) via the sword - "Gam Atah k'Echad Mehem; v'Al Ta'amod Al ha'Perek Lehachris Es Pelitav" (Ovadyah 1:11, 14).
He did not say so explicitly, but surely this is his intent. This is like "v'Al Tisgar Bam Milchamah" (Devarim 2:9). (PF)
When is "b'Es Eidam"?
Rashi: When I handed them over to the enemy.
When is "b'Es Avon Ketz"?
Rashi: When the deadline of their sin will finish, and their measure [of liability] is filled. Radak ? Targum Yonasan is like this.
Radak: When the deadline for their Galus came, due to their sin.
Malbim: It is the deadline of their sin and the end of their punishments. Since their sin finished, it would have been proper to have mercy on them ? [however, I will not, for] all that you did was amidst hatred, and not for any benefit.