What are the connotations of 'B'chor Shoro'? Why did Moshe refer to Yosef as 'B'chor'?
Rashi, Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: It refers to Yehoshua, the first-Hadar Zekenim and Rosh) king that came out from him. 1
Targum Onkelos: It means 'The master of his brothers - to whom splendor belongs'. 2
Targum Yonasan: 'The B'chorah, which was Reuven's by right, was taken away from him and given to Yosef from the beginning', 3 and just as one is forbidden to work with a firstborn ox, so too, is it impossible for Yosef's sons to be subjugated by the nations
Rashi: Because the word "B'chor" also has connotations of greatness and kingship, as we see in Tehilim, 89:28. See also Sh'mos, 4:24 - and the Shor is king of the Beheimos - Hadar Zekenim and Rosh:
See Bamidbar, 27:20 and Targum Onkelos there - Seifer Shefa Rav. Onkelos explains the rest of the Pasuk as follows' - 'mighty deeds were done to him from before the One to whom might and majesty belong; with His strength he kills nations as one as far to the end of the land... '.
See Na'ar Yonasan.
What is the meaning of "Hadar lo"?
Rashi: It means ' ... was given to him'. 1
Targum Onkelos: Refer to 33:17:1:2.
Targum Yonasan: It means 'because the glory (grandeur) belongs to him.
Rashi: See Bamidbar, 27:20.
What is a Re'eim"?
Rashi: "Re'eim" is often translated as 'a buffalo'. 1
See however, 'The Living Torah, in Bamidbar, 23:22, who presents a number of alternatives.
Having associated Yehoshua with a Shor, why does Moshe then associate him with a Re'eim?
Rashi: Moshe attributed to Yehoshua the strength of an ox - which is not beautiful, and the beauty of the horns of a Re'em, which is not strong.
Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: "Karnei Re'eim" refers to the tribe of Efrayim, Yehoshua's kinsmen, who were his men of war. 1
Targum Yonasan: Refer to 33:17:1:3. 'And just as a Re'eim gores the wild beasts of the field, so too, will the sons of Yosef rule over the nations as one, in all the ends of the land'.
As the Pasuk concludes "ve'Heim Riv'vos Efrayim"
What is the significance of the fact that the Torah refers to "Karnei Re'eim" and not 'Shofros Re'eim'?
What is the meaning of Yenagach Yachdav "Afsei Aretz"?
Rashi: It means that they (Efrayim and Menasheh) together will gore the thirty-one kings of Cana'an. 1
Targkum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means that they will gore together to the ends of the land.
Rashi: So-called because there was not a king or prince who did not own a palace and a plot of land in Eretz Yisrael - which was precious in the eyes of all the nations, as the Pasuk states in Yirmiyah, 3:19.
Who are the "Riv'vos Efrayim" and the 'Alfei Menasheh"?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: The "Riv'vos Efrayim" - are the tens of thousands who were killed by Yehoshua (in Gilgal - Targum Yonasan) who came from Efrayim, and the "Alfei Menasheh", to the thousands of Midyan killed by Gid'on, 1 who came from Menasheh.
Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: Tens of thousands are attributed to Efrayim, and thousands to Menasheh, due to Ya'akov's B'rachah "ve'Achiv ha'Katon Yigdal Mimenu" (Bereishis 49:9).
Rashi: See Shoftim, 8:10.
What is the significance of the "Riv'vis Efrayim and the "Alfei Menasheh"?
Kol Eliyahu and Divrei Eliyahu: When Ya'akov blessed Yosef's sons, he placed his right hand on Efrayim and his left hand on Menasheh. Consquently, based on the Pasuk in Tehilim 91:7 "Yipol mi'Tzidcha Elef u'Revavah mi'Yeminecha", Efrayim, will kill ten thousand of the enemy, and Menasheh, one thousand.
Rashi writes that "B'chor Shoro" refers to Yehoshua. Why is that?
Refer to 33:17:1:1*.
Rashi: Due to his strength - inasmuch as he defeated many kings.