
Why does it say "Goyim"?


Radak #1: Even if all the nations would agree on one counsel, Hashem annuls it - "Kol ha'Goyim k'Ayin Negdo" (Yeshayah 40:17).


Radak #2: Verse 12 says "Ashrei ha'Goy Asher Hashem Elokav"; other Goyim, the masses, attribute strength to other gods. A minority say that Hashem does not supervise or know man's deeds.


Is the second half of the verse a repetition of the first?


Radak: Yes, in different words, like verses often do.


Malbim: No. Etzah is the desired end. Machshevos are the means that lead to the end. Hashem annuls their desired ends, and also their many thoughts and means to reach their goal.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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