
What do we learn from "v'Hayah Emunas Itecha Chosen Yeshu'os Chachmas va'Da'as [Yir'as Hashem] Even so (It is what enables him to remember all of them.) "?


Shabbos 31a #1: (It alludes to the six orders of the Mishnah.) "Emunas" refers to Seder Zera'im. (One plants, and relies on Hashem to make it grow. "Itecha" (your times) refers to Mo'ed. Chosen refers to [inheritance, i.e. children which come from] Nashim (women). Yeshu'os (salvations) refers to Nezikim. Chachmas refers to Kodshim (it is difficult to learn). Da'as (which is greater than Chachmah) refers to Taharos (the hardest Seder)


Shabbos 31a #2: The verse also alludes to six things a person is asked when brought to judgment [after death]. Were your business dealings be'Emunah (honest)?

Did you fix Itim (times) for Torah? Did you engage in Peru u'Rvu (Chosen)? Did you anticipate Yeshu'ah (the redemption)? Did you delve deeply into Chachmah? Did you understand one matter through another [to attain greater Da'as]?


Rashi #1: The Emunah of your times will be power of salvations, Chachmah and Da'as that you believe in your Creator. He fixed for you times - for Terumos and Ma'aseros at the time of separation, Leket, Shichechah and Pe'ah in their times, Shemitah and Yovel in their times.


Rashi #2: Emunas Itecha - you believed in Hashem in times that passed over you, and you looked for salvation. This was strength for you!


Radak: This comes to Yisrael. The fulfillment of your time and strength of your salvation will be Chachmah, Da'as and Yir'as Hashem. I.e. this salvation came to you, and you are b'Shalom. If you want the Shalom and salvation to last for you all your time, engage in Chachmah, Da'as and Yir'as Hashem. you will be saved from all affliction and have Shalom all the time. Here Emunah means lasting, like "Mekom Ne'eman" (22:23). Chosen is strength, like "v'Hayah ha'Chosen li'N'ores" (1:31). Chachmas has a Sov at the end, even though it is not Samuch, like Tzitz Novel" (28:1), "Chalas Matzah" (Vayikra 8:26).


Radak citing his father: What caused this salvation to you? Chachmah of Elokim and Da'as in Chizkiyah, and Yir'as Hashem, which is its storehouse.


Targum Yonasan What you said to improve (increase) your fear - you fulfilled it at the time?


Malbim: What you believed in Hashem at these evil times, and your heart did not retract from Emunah in Him, was for you a strong wealth of Chachmah and knowledge of Elokim.


What do we learn from "Yir'as Hashem Hi Otzaro"?


Brachos 33b: Hashem's treasure-house contains only Yir'as Shamayim -- "Yir'as Shamayim Hi Otzaro" (it is most dear to Hashem)!


Shabbos 31a #1: Even if one learned all six Sedarim - refer to 33:6:1:1, Yir'as Hashem is what enables him to remember all of them.


Shabbos 31a #2:

Even if one had all the attributes - refer to 33:6:1:2, if one fears Hashem, good (these attributes will persist). If not, [they will] not.


Rashi: To fear Hashem is a good storehouse to open for you from Him via it (fear).


Radak: Yir'as Hashem is man's storehouse. Just like a storehouse is man's trust, and stands for him in time of affliction, so Yir'as Hashem. Therefore, you should be Yir'ei Hashem, and engage in Chachmah and knowledge of Elokim.


Malbim: Where will you store the Chachmah and knowledge of Elokim that you acquired? In the storehouse .of Yir'as Hashem.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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