
What are the two families?


Rashi: They are of kingship and Kehunah. Radak - i.e. of David and Aharon.


For what did Hashem choose these families?


Radak: They were chosen to lead the nation.


Malbim: Hashem gave to them extra, and made a special Bris with them.


What is the meaning of "va'Yim'asam"?


Malbim: [They say that] Hashem despised these families, and all the more so the nation in general, which was not as important to Him as these two families.


What is the meaning of "v'Es Ami Yin'atzun"?


Rashi: [Through saying this,] they cause My nation to be despised from being a nation to Me.


Radak: Once [these families] saw that Hashem despises them, their children caused Yisrael to be despised from being a nation in front of them. They do not rebuke them or lead them in the straight path, for they think that kingship and Kehunah ceased, for most of Yisrael were exiled, and the rest given over to the nations.


Radak citing his father: "V'Es Ami" is like v'Ami 1 . I.e. once My nation saw that Hashem despises [these families], also they despised them, and do not follow His Mitzvos and do not want to be a nation in front of them and do their commands.


Malbim: These two families disgrace My nation, for [My nation] cannot be a nation in front of these two families, i.e. at a higher level, and they will remain a Goy Kadosh in front of Hashem.


Radak: According to this, "Es" applies to the subject, like "v'Es Malkeinu v"Es Sareinu" (Nechemyah 9:34) and "v'Es ha'Barzel Nafal Em ha'Mayim" (Melachim II, 6:5). I explained these to refer to the object, like every "Es".


Why does it say "Lifneihem"?


Rashi: Facing (due to) these words that they say. They teach them to say 'Hashem will not retract from His anger. Teshuvah will not help for you.'

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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