
Why does it say "Asher Lo Yisaper


Radak: This is like ka'Asher. The prefix Kaf of comparison is omitted. Also "Ki Asher Re'isem Es Mitzrayim ha'Yom" (Shemos 14:13) is like ka'Asher.


Why are they compared to the number of stars?


Malbim: Hashem's servants below will increase like those in Shamayim. The two ranks, above and below, limit each other. The lower will have a lasting nature like the upper, and it will be numerous like it.


How numerous will David's seed be?


Radak: It will be uncountable and impossible to measure. Measuring applies to sand of the sea, but not to the stars. Counting applies to both of them.


Why does it say "Mesharsei Osi"?


Radak: This is like Mesharsim Osi. Sometimes the suffix Mem (for plural) is omitted, and the Yud suffices, e.g. "Nit'ei Na'amanim" (Yeshayah 17:10), "Mei ha'Marim" (Bamidbar 5:18), "Mal'achei Ra'im" (Tehilim 78:49) and similar verses.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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