The Pasuk implies that Esav alone returned to Se'ir (See Sifsei Chachamim). What happened to his 400 men?
Rashi: They deserted Esav, slipping away one by one. 1
Presumably, when they saw Yaakov and his family, they realized the worthlessness of Esav. (EC) They were rewarded later, when 400 men from Amalek escaped from the battle against David ha'Melech, as the Navi records in Shmuel I 30:17.
Rashi writes: "'Va'Yashov ba'Yom ha'Hu Esav' - Esav [returned] alone." How is this derived?
Gur Aryeh: The verse should have said, 'Va'Yashov Esav ba'Yom ha'Hu.' It switches the order, to emphasize that it was only Esav who was present for the return trip.
Rashi writes: "And when did Hashem repay them? In the times of David." Why does Rashi add this?
Gur Aryeh: [This too supports our interpretation of this verse.] Why were 400 members of Edom able to escape David's attack? It must have been in the merit of the 400 men who had slipped away from Esav.