
What are the connotations of "Re'u Atah ki Ani Ani Hu ve'Ein Elokim Imadi ... !"


Rashi (in Pasuk 43, according to R. Nechemyah): Then Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu will reveal His salvation and declare (to the nations) - 'See now that I am He; from Me there emerged the evil (on Yisrael) and from Me will come the salvation! ... and there is no-one who will save you from the evil that I will bring upon you!'


Ramban, Riva, Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: Refer to 32:38:2:1. In order to counter that, Hashem announces that He is alone and there is no god with Him to assist Him; nor is there anyone to save from His Hand or to prevent Him from doing as He wishes. 1


Rashbam: In reply to the enemy's question 2 'Where is your G-d ... "?, He is now eplting that when He avenges what they did to Yisral, they willl see where He is.


Seforno: 'See now that I am the One who punished Yisrael - it was not the work of the celestial ministers or the hosts of the Heaven'.


Targum Yonasan: In answer to the enemy's question, the Torah writes that when Hashem will come to redeem His people, He will say to all the nations 'See now, that I am the One that was, the One that is and the One that will be, and there is no G-d besides Me.


Kol Eliyahu: Based on the Megaleh Amukos, who explains that the nine hundred and fifty-five Pesukim correspond to the nine hundred and fifty-five heavens, and that angels dwell in the lower nine hundred heavens, but ashem dwells alove in the top fifty-five. 3 Moshe broke all the Reki'im via his Tefilah - the Pesukim of Seifer Devarim - and showed Yisrael all the heavens. This Pasuk is the fifty-fifth Pasuk from the end - in which case Yisrael now saw that Hashem is alone in the last fifty-five heavens.


This is also how Rashi will explain the Pasuk according to R. Yehudah.


Refer to 32:37:1:2.


As the Torah writes in Va'eschann, 10:14 "Hein la'Shem Elokecha ha'Shamayim".


Why did Hashem repeat the word "Ani" and then add "va'Ani"?


Ibn Ezra: To teach us that He is the same G-d who killed Yisrael and He is the One who will bring them back to life. 1


Ba'al ha'Turim: The three times "Ani" in the Pasuk represent the three exiles, 2 and the "va'Ani", Galus Edom, 3


Riva citing R"M of Kutzi: The first Ani refers to "I killed, and I will return to life." The second refers to "I smote, and I will heal."


Oznayim la'Torah: The double expression "Ani" "Ani" is reminiscent of the Pasuk in Yeshayah, 44:6 "Ani Rishon va'Ani Acharon", and "ve'Ein Elokim Imadi", of the next words there "u'mi'Bal'adai Ein Elokim".


See Ibn Ezra.


Bavel, Madai and Yavan.


Ba'al ha'Turim: About which the Pasuk writes in Yechezkel, 1:1 "va'Ani be'Soch ha'Golah". To teach us that Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu is there to rescue us in all the exiles.


What are the connotations of "Ani Amis Va'achayeh, Machatzti va'Ani Erpa"?


Ramban: It means 'No-one can stop Me from doing as I want - to kill or return to life, to wound or to heal!'


Seforno: It means 'I kill and bring back to life, 1 I smote (Yisrael) with 'Na va'Nad' 2 (a vagrant and a wanderer) 3 and I will heal them. 4


Targum Yonasan: 'I smote My people and I will heal them at the end of days and there is nobody to save Gog and his camp from My Hand when he comes to fight with Yisrael!'. 5


Seforno: As in Yechezkel, 36:12.


Seforno: As the Pasuk states in Melachim 1, 14:15.


Seforno: As the Navi states in Yeshayah, 30:26.


See Ba'al ha'Turim.


Why does the Torah need to insert "Machatzti va'Ani Erpa"? If Hashem gives life, is it not obvious that he heals the sick?


Pesachim, 68a #1: To teach us that just as "Machatti va'Ani Erpa" pertains to the same person, so too, does "Amis Va'achayeh" 1 - to answer those who do not believe in Techiyas ha'Meisim. 2


Pesachim, 68a #2: To teach us that, after Hashem revives the dead (exactly as they died), He will heal all their wounds. 3


Pesachim, Ibid.: And not to two different people - as is the way of the world, where one person dies and another is born. .


See Torah Temimah, note 82.


See Torah Temimah, note 85.


What are the implications of "ve'Ein mi'Yadi Matzil"?


Sanhedrin, 104a: It implies that nobody - not even a father, can save a sinner from Hashem's judgment, Hence, Avraham cannot save Yishmael and Yitzchak cannot save Eisav. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 86.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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