To whom is this Pasuk referring?
Rashi (according to R. Yehudah) and Rashbam: It is referring to the deeds of Yisrael. 1
Ramban, Seforno and Targum Yonasan: It is referring to the nations.
What is the meaning of "Ki mi'Gefen S'dom Gafnam u'mi'Shadmos Amorah" mean?
Rashi and Rashbam: With reference to "Amarti Af'eihem ... " in Pasuk 25 - The Pasuk continues 'For their deeds are like the deeds of S'dom and Amorah'
Ramban: With reference to 32:28:1:1 - The reason the nations are not wise is because they spend all their days thinking how to perpetrate evil - because they stem from an evil root that produces only evil and bitter fruit which kills whoever eats from it. 1
Seforno: With reference to 32:28:1:1. And the reason that the nations fail to understand in this matter 2 is due to their vanity; because, in their tranquil lives, like the people of Sedom, they centered all their thoughts upon the pleasures of this world, in the course of which they despised all forms of Gemilus Chasadim. 3
Targum Onkelos: 'For their punishment is like the punishment of S'dom and their punishment and smiting like that of Amorah".
Targum Yonasan: 'For the deeds of this nation are like the deeds of the people of S'dom and their evil strategies like the strategies of the people of Amorah'. 4
Oznayim la'Torah (based on R. Bachye): Because the wine is the wine of S'dom, and of the vines of Amorah - with reference to the drinking and rejoicing which preceded the downfall of S'dom and Amorah. 5
Ramban: And what the Pasuk means is that, as opposed to Yisrael, who do Teshuvah when trouble befalls them, the nations, who lack counsel and understanding, follow their gods and deny Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu - permanently, as they were taught by their fathers to do; whereas Yisrael, who stem from a good root, when they are cut down, they grow afresh and produce good fruit.
Seforno: As the Pasuk describes in Yechezkel, 16:49.
See Na'ar Yonasan.
See Oznayim la'Torah.
What is the literal meaning of "Shadmos Amorah"?
Rashi: 'The corn-fields of Amorah'.
Ibn Ezra and Bechor Shor: It also means 'the vines of Amorah'.
What is the meaning of "Anaveimo Invei Rosh"?
Rashi: It means that their 1 grapes are like a bitter herb called 'Invei Rosh'.
Seforno: It means that from this vine they grow poisonous grapes' - evil deeds that are harmful to others. 2
Targum Onkelos: It means that their punishments are bad (harsh) like the head of a snake'.
Targum Yonasan: It means that their thoughts are evil like the heads of horned vipers'. 3
What are the implications of "Ashk'los Meroros lamo"?
Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos): It implies that a bitter drink is befitting for them, commensurate with their behavior.
Seforno: It imlies that they acquire evil and false attitudes (opinions), claiming that Hashem errs and does not know what happens in the world.
Targum Yonasan: It implies that their punishment will be bereavement and bitterness.