What is the translation of "M'zei Ra'av"?
Rashi (citing Targum Onkelos) and Rashbam: 'Bloated by famine'. 1
Rashi (citing R. Moshe ha'Darshan): 'Covered with hair due to hunger'. 2
Da'as Zekenim: 'Shriveled due to hunger'.
What are "Reshef" and "Meriri"?
Rashi #1: They are the names of two kinds of demons.
Rashi (in the initial manuscript): "Reshef" is a fever in the bones, 1 ("Meriri" is a demon that rules at midday - Rashi in Iyov, 3:4 and Targum Yonasan). 2
Rashbam: "Reshef" is hail and fire from the sky 3 although basically, it is a Lashon of 'flying' 4 , and "Meriri", robbers who embitter (Meriri) and kill people. 5
Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: Reshef" is 'Uf' (which is probably a kind of demon), and "Meriri", 'evil spirits' (and 'Lilin' (a species of female demons - Targum Yonasan). 6
B'rachos, 5a: "Reshef" refers to 'Mazikin' (demons).
Rashi: As in Shir ha'Shirim, 8:6.
Rashi: As in Tehilim, 91:6.
Rashbam: As in Shir ha'Shirim, 8:6.
Rashbam: As in Iyov, 5:7 and in Tehilim, 76:4. It is not clear however, how this fits into the Pasuk.
See Rashbam.
See Targum Yonasan, who merges demons with spirits.
What is the translation of "Lechumei Reshef"?
Rashi #1: 'Embattled by demons'. 1
Rashi #2 (in his original manuscript): 'A fever in the bones'. 2
Rashbam: 'Embattled by hail and fire from the sky'. 3
Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: 'Embattled by coals and burning' (inflamation - Rosh).
Targum Onkelos: Consumed by Uf. Refer to 32:24:1.1:4.
Targum Yonasan: Beaten by spirits and demons. Refer to 32:24:1:1:4.
B'rachos, 5a #1: 'Embattled by suffering'.
Rashi: As in Iyov, 5:7, and in Tehilim 76:4, 91:5 - Rashbam.
Rashi: As in Shir ha'Shirim, 8:6.
Rashbam: As in Shir ha'Shirim, 8:6.
What is the translation of "Ketev Meriri"?
Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: 'Smitten by evil spirits'.
Rashi: As in Hoshe'a 13:14.
Da'as Zekenim, Rosh: There is one demon that strikes in the morning, and another in the afternoon.
Rashbam: As in Tehilim, 91:6 and in Tzefanyah, 2:4.
Rashbam: From the root 'Mar' - See Rashbam.
Since when do Beheimos bite (and kill)?
Rashi: It actually happened once (twice, once wih a donkey and once with a wild ass, which bit and killed - Rashi, in Bechukosai Vayilkra, 26:22:2:1) that sheep bit someone and and killed him. 1
Targum Onkelos: "Beheimos" in this instance refers to Chayos.
Targum Yonasan: "Beheimos" in this instance refers to Nochrim, who bite like wild beasts.
Sifri: The Pasuk means that the animals will bite and the wound will become infected, and that is what will bring about his death. 2
What are "Zochalei-Afar"?
Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: Serpents that crawl on their bellies on the ground. 1
Sifri: They are serpnts that only rule over the ground. 2
Which era is "Chamas Zochlei Afar" referring to?
What is the translation of "Ashalach bam"?
Rashi (in Va'eira Sh'mos, 8:17), Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means 'I will incite against them'.