What are the conotations of "Chem'as Bakar" and "Chalev Tzon"?
Rashi ans Hadar Zekenim: They are the cream that is skimmed from the milk of cattle, and milk of goats and sheep, respectively. 1
Rashbam: They refer to a land flowing with milk, and a lot of meat to eat.
Targum Onkelos: They refer to the spoils of kings and rulers.
Targum Yonasan: They refer to butter of the fat oxen from the spoils of their kings and milk from the choice sheep from the booty of their rulers.
Yalkut Shimoni: "Chem'as Bakar va'Chalev Tzon" refers to the the Chatas and the Olah and "Dam Einav Tishteh Chamer", to the Niskei Yayin.
Hadar Zekenim (in Pasuk 13): Which is all that they wanted to eat. Rashi: This came true in the era of Shlomo ha'Melech. See Melachim 1, 5:3.
What are "Cheilev Karim" and "Eilim B'nei Bashan"?
Rashi: They are lambs and rams from Bashan, which are fat. 1
Rashbam: They are rams fattened in the pasture, and [Stam] rams from Bashan, which are fat. 2
Targum Onkelos: It is the wealth of their princes and their strong men, the inhabitants of their lands and their camps.
Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim (in Pasuk 13) and Rosh: The choicest lambs and rams. 3
This came true in the era of the Ten Tribes. See Amos, 10:4.
Rashbam: As in Yeshayah, 30:22 and in Tehilim, 65:14.
Like "Cheilev ha'Aretz" in Vay'chi Bereishis, 45:18.
What are "Cheilev Kilyos Chitah"?
Rashi and Targum Yonasan: They are kernels of wheat fatty like Cheilev, and as large as (two ox - Rashi) kidneys (Moshe announced that if they will observe the Mitzvos, the wheat kernels will grow as large as two (This actually occurred in the days of Shimon ben Shetach -when rain would also fall on Tuesday night and Friday night. Some of the kernels they wrapped-up and preserved to demonstrate the result of sin which prevents such B'rachos from occurring - Ta'anis, 23a).
Rashbam: It is the fat of choice wheat-kernels. 1
Targum Onkelos: It is the wealth of the inhabitants of their lands and their camps.
Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim (in Pasuk13) and Rosh: They are actual kidneys. They are called wheat, because kidneys contain a groove, like wheat kernels.
Yalkut Shim'oni: It refers to the Menachos. 2
Rashbam: As in Shmuel 2, 13:39 and in Tehilim, 84:3, 73:26.
Yerushalmi Ma'aser Sheini, 5:2: And the fact that the Torah discussew the Beis-Hamikdash before it discusses Malchus Beis-David - in Pasuk 36 proves that the Beis-Hamikdash will be built before Malchus Beis David is established.
What is the definition of "Chamer"?
Rashi #1 and Rashbam: "Chamer" is wine. 1
Rashi #2: Anything of superb taste is called "Chamer". 2
Seforno: It is grape-juice, which is ready to drink with minimal preparation. In this way they were sustained painlessly. 3
Targum Yonasan and Kesuvos, 111b: A Chomer is a Kur (thirty Sa'ah). Moshe announced that if they will observe the Mitzvos, one grape will produce a Kur of wine. 4
What are the connotations of "Dam Einav Tishteh Chamer"?
Targum Onkelos: It refers to the blood [of the mighty men of their opponents in war, which flowed like water.]
Targum Yonason: It refers to the red wine produced by one grape. Refer to 32:14:4:3.
Seforno: It refers to red grape-juice. 1
Da'as Zekenim, Hadar Zekenim and Rosh: It means that the wine will be red like blood. This is a sign of good-quality wine. 2
Kesuvos, 111b #1: How different is Olam ha'Ba 3 from Olam ha'Zeh! In Olam ha'Zeh, it takes so much effort to havest the grapes and press them. Whereas in Olam ha'Ba, one will transport one grape by wagon or by boat and place it in the corner of one's house. And that grape will provide wine 4 that is equivalent to a large barrel - as the Torah writes "ve'Dam Einav Tishteh Chamer".
Kesuvos, 111b #2: In time to come, each and every grape will produce thirty barrels of wine
Tosefta Shabbos, 9:14: It teaches us that (pure) wine is considered a liquid (to render food Muchshar Lekabeil Tum'ah). 5