What are "Se'aposav"?
Rashi: Its branches.
Malbim: They are branches in the middle of the tree.
What is the meaning of "Kinenu"?
Rashi: It is an expression of Kan (a nest).
What is the significance of all birds nesting in its branches?
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: With his camps, he conquered all great cities.
Malbim: They nest on branches in the middle of the tree, but not at the top.
Why do Chayos give birth under Porosav?
Malbim: They are closer to the trunk; there is more shade under them than under Sar'aposav, which spread far from the trunk.
Malbim (according to the Nimshal): The Chayos are kings strong like Chayos, which are mightier than birds. They found refuge under [Ashur's] small branches, i.e. wealth and honor of its kingship. Birds are nations that trade, and boats. Also island dwellers that go like birds for trade, they brought their merchandise there and found a nest for it. "Many Goyim dwelled (took refuge) in its shade."