
What is this Pasuk coming to teach us that we do not already know?


Rashi: It confines the husband's mandate to annul his wife's Nedarim, to those that cause her suffering (Inuy Nefesh). 1


Rashi: As listed in Nedarim, 79a. Ramban (citing Tosefta): Such as not to eat a specific species of fruit.See also Torah Temimah note 78 and Ba'al ha'Turim. Refer also to 30:17:1:1.


What is the word "Kol Neder" coming to include?


Yerushalmi Nedarim, 11:2: It includes where the woman forbade on herself only one pepper or one loaf (which is only a minor Inuy Nefesh - Torah Temimah).


Why does the Torah write "le'Anos Nafesh" in the future?


Nedarim, 80b: To incorporate not washing, which leads to Inuy Nefesh, but where the Inuy Nefesh is not immediate. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 78.


How will we reconcile this Pasuk with "Bein Ish le'Ishto", implying that a husband can annul Nedarim that concern intimacy even if they are not Inuy Nefesh?


Nedarim, 77b: Whereas Nidrei Inuy Nefesh that a husband annuls, are negated permanently, even if he dies or divorces and she marries someone else, Nedarim Beino le'Beinah are only negated for the duration of the marriage, but are automatically reinstated once her husband dies or divorces her. 1


See Torah Temimah, note 77.


Why does the Torah repeat the word "ve'Iyshah Yefeirenah"?


Nedarim,72b: To teach us that a husband must annul his wife's Nedarim himself 1 and not via a Shali'ach. 2


See Torah Temimah, note 79, who cites a Machlokes Tana'im on this point and elaborates.


Whom he asks to annul all his wife's Nedarim until he returns from Makom P'loni.


What are the ramifications of the comparison of Hafarah to Hakamah?


Nedarim, 75a: To teach us that a husband may only annul a Neder that is subject to endorsemant - to preclude where he attempts to annul Nedarim in advance, 1 which cannot be endorsed and can therefore not be annuled.


Nedarim, 77b: To teach us that, just as, if a husband annuls part of his wife's Neder, 2 what he annuls is annuled and what he doesn't annul stands, 3 so too if he endorses part of her Neder, what he endorses is endorsed, and what he doesn't can still be annuled.


Nedarim (Ibid.): Where he says to her 'All the Nedarim that you declare until I return from Makom P'loni shall be annuled.'


Nedarim (Ibid.): Where wshe declared a Neder forbidding figs and grapes and he annuls the figs but not the grapes, or vice-versa.


As opposed to a Chachamam who annuls a Neder. See Torah Temimah, note 81.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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