
What are the implications of "Aharon u'Vanav"?


Chulin, 132a: Wherever the Torah writes "Aharon u'Vanav" it comes to preclude the women. 1


Oznayim la'Torah (citing the Midrash Rabah): It implies that of the money that the Bechoros gave them, Aharon received half and his sons, half. 2


Torah Temimah: The Rambam learns from here that the money of Pidyon ha'Ben must be given to a male Kohen.

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See Oznayim la'Torah who connects ths with the Mitzvah of 'Gadleihu mi'shel Echav' - a Mitzvah encumbent upon the Kohanm to make sure that the Kohen Gadol is wealthy.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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