
Who cast the lot?


Rashi: The verse is abbreviated; it does not say who cast it.


What is the meaning of "Hu ha'Goral"?


Rashi: The verse explains what is Pur. It is a lot to see which month will succeed.


Why does it say "Lifnei Haman"?


Vilna Gaon: It is known that there is no Mazal for Yisrael in Shamayim. Based on Mazal, Avraham should not have had a son. He said 'I see in my astrology that I am not proper to father a son' (Shabbos 156a). Hashem lifted him above the Mazalos, and told him (Bereishis 15:5) "Ko Yihyeh Zar'echa" (Tanchuma Shoftim 11). This is why it says "Asher Hachilosa Linpol" (6:13). Yisrael are likened [to earth and to stars] (Megilah 15a). I.e. they have no Mazal 1 ; they are above stars if they are Tzadikim; if not, Heaven forbid, they descend to the earth. Therefore a lot could not tell him when their Mazal will be bad. Rather, the lot was Lifnei Haman - when his Mazal is good 2 .


Malbim: The Goral was prepared in front of Haman to make him fall (refer to 3:7:5:3).


Just before this, he implies that Adar 13 was a bad Mazal for Yisrael, just Hashem reversed it! See Iyunim in Perush ha'Gra ha'Shalem, p.247.


If so, why is the 12th month Adar? For Goyim, Tishrei is the first month! Only Yisrael count from Nisan. Perhaps the verse means that the lot fell on what Yisrael call the 12th month. (PF)


Why does it say "mi'Yom l'Yom [ume'Chodesh l'Chodesh]"?


Rashi: This was to see which day of the month will succeed.


Vilna Gaon: First he cast on which day he can win, and afterwards, in which month.


Malbim: Surely Haman wanted to take vengeance on Am Hashem immediately. He cast the lot for the next day (Nisan 14 1 ), and it failed. He then tried 15, 16? the lot constantly rejected him until the last day (Iyar 13); it must fall on some day. This was Hashgachah, to allow Yisrael more time 2 . Later, Haman thought that perhaps this month is not propitious, so he cast a lot starting from Nisan. It failed. He then tried Iyar? it constantly rejected him until the last month, Adar.


How could he hope to kill all the Yehudim in the kingdom on the next day? Malbim (8:9) explains that the [last of] the first Sheluchim returned more than two months later, on Sivan 23. Even if they were more zealous going than returning, surely it took about a month to reach their destination! Malbim must mean to begin killing the next day - in Shushan immediately, and elsewhere as soon as messengers reach there. (PF)


Why were 11 months needed? Three days later, Esther went to the king and he decided to kill Haman! Perhaps Hashem wanted that (a) all the Jews will hear the decree, repent and pray, and (b) the Goyim will hear about the latter letters about eight months before the designated day, and "Rabim me'Amei ha'Aretz Misyahadim Ki Nafal Pachad Mordechai Aleihem" (8:17), and they will help, or at least let, the Jews to fight their enemies. (PF)


What is the significance of the lot falling in Adar?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 13b: Haman was exceedingly happy that it fell in the month of Moshe's death.

He did not know that Moshe was born on the seventh of Adar.



Rashi writes that the verse explains what is Pur. Why did it need to write "Pur"?


Vilna Gaon: It explains why these days are called Purim; this was the primary miracle. The lot was according to Mazalos, on which day he can defeat them; it was Adar 13. Hashem reversed the Mazalos and overrode the Ma'arachah. This is like we say [in Asher Heni] 'Ki ha'Pur Nehefach l'Purim.'


Malbim: Pur is a certain kind of Goral (lot).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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