What is the meaning of "Lo Samnu"?
Rav Sadya Gaon, Rashi #1: This is like Lo Samu (were not finished). Ibn Ezra, Rid - the Nun is in place of a second Mem 1 . There is no limit to Chasdei Hashem!
Rashi #2: This is like "ha'Im Tamnu Ligvo'a" (Bamidbar 17:28); due to Chasdei Hashem, we were not eradicated in our sins.
Ri Kara: We were not eradicated, even though in every generation they rise against us to eradicate us - "Arami Oved Avi" (Devarim 26:5), Pharaoh said "Kol ha'Ben ha'Yilod" (Shemos 1:26), Sancheriv said "Lehashmid bi'Lvavo u'Lehachris Goyim Lo Me'at" (Yeshayah 10:7). Also Nebuchadnetzar, and Haman wanted "Lehashmid Laharog u'Le'abed" (Esther 3:13).
Rid: It should say Samemu.
Why does it add "Ki Lo Chalu Rachamav"?
Ri Kara: The reason why we were not eradicated [in Galus Bavel] is because His mercy did not finish. I am assured that His mercy will not finish in our current Galus.
Palgei Mayim: Since we were not eradicated in the decrees, I see that His mercy did not finish.