
Why are cleaving Tehomos and sending down dew attributed to Da'as?


R. Yonah: Da'as in creations is after Tevunah. He cleaves Tehomos after creating Shamayim and Eretz. Every day, afresh, He cleaves depths with His Da'as. When He judges the world and vindicates it, He raises the Tehom to irrigate the land, "and Shamayim gives its dew" (Zecharyah 8:12). If [people] do not obey His voice, "v'Atzar Es ha'Shamayim [


Where did the verse mention rain? Perhaps R. Yonah holds that there are Tehomos also above (like Ma'asei Hashem, Ma'ase Bereishis 3). Or, the verse mentions dew, and the same applies to rain. (PF)


The Mazalos and other Heavenly bodies that influence the world. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Yir'afu"?


Rashi: This is like Yatifu (they will drip).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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