
What is the meaning of "Eryah Se'or Kashtecha"?


Rashi: Your Gevurah was revealed.


Radak: The Navi compared His great hand that acted in Egypt, and His salvation of Yisrael, to one who rides on a horse. So it compares it to one who holds a bow. Eryah is revealing, just like Your Zero'a was revealed on them. Eryah is like "Erom v'Eryah" (Yechezkel 16:7). Also Se'or is revealing, but it is from a different root. In Eryah, the last letter of the root is silent. Se'or is Nif'al conjugation; the middle letter of the root is silent. We find also "Peshotah v'Orah" (Yeshayah 32:11 ? revealed), "Habit Al Me'oreihem" (2:15).


Malbim: After mentioning that flowing water submits [to His will], it mentions the rainbow ? a sign of the Bris that Yesod ha'Mayim will not flood the land. It arouses to be seen exposed. The rainbow is revealed when Hashem recalls His Shevu'ah.


Why does it say "Shevu'os Matos"?


Rashi: Oaths that You swore to the Shevatim.


Radak: You did all this to fulfill the oaths that You swore to the Avos to give the land to the Shevatim.


Malbim: The verse depicts that the rainbow is revealed, not to recall the Shevu'ah about the flood, rather, a different Shevu'ah ? to redeem the Shevatim at the end of days. It is like the Shevu'ah to Noach ? "Ki Mei Noach Zos Li Asher Nishbati me'Avor Mei Noach Od Al ha'Aretz Ken Nishbati mi'Ktzof Alayich" (Yeshayah 54:9).


Why does it say "Omer Selah"?


Rashi: Selah means forever. Omer has a Segol under the Mem, and the penultimate syllable is accented; it is a noun.


Radak: [To fulfill] what You said. Omer is a noun; its grammatical form is like Chodesh and Kodesh.


Malbim: Selah teaches that this is a Ma'amar Musgar (parenthetical comment).


What do we learn from "Naharos Tevaka Aretz"?


Rashi: It is like Targum Yonasan (He tears strong rocks, and rivers exude that flood the land).


Radak: You cleaved dry land for them, to give to them much water, like rivers ? "va'Yotzi Nozelim mi'Sala va'Yored ka'Neharos Mayim" (Tehilim 78:15). Targum Yonasan is like this.


Malbim: The land cleaves rivers into channels, and gives place for the Ge'ulim to pass.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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