
How did Hashem resolve Moshe's first question ("Who am I to ... ?")


Rashi and Rashbam: By pointing out to him that a. since he was Hashem's Shali'ach, Hashem would accompany him when he went to Pharaoh 1 and no harm would befall him, and b. the burning bush was a sign that he was Hashem's Shali'ach and that he would succeed and not be harmed, just like the bush was not consumed.


Ramban: 'Do not fear Pharaoh, because I am with you!'


Seforno: Hashem informed him that He would be with him, and it would be a sign that all his commands would take effect. Everybody would therefore acknowledge that Hashem had sent him, and would hold him and his words in the highest esteem. 2


Oznayim la'Torah: Hashem was telling Moshe that the fact that he considered himself unfit to lead was totally irrelevant, 3 because he would succeed due to the fact that Hashem would be with him. Moreover, the fact that Matan Torah would take place on the mountain on which he was standing - a small and lowly mountain, was proof that Hashem 'dwells with those who are lowly' 4 and humble.


Rashbam: And would give him Chein in the eyes of Pharaoh.


Seforno: As the Pasuk will testify, "also the man Moshe was very great in the land of Egypt" (11:3).


Oznayim la'Torah: If anything, the opposite was true - It was precisely because he considered himself unfit, that Hashem chose him over and above everybody else, because Hashem always prefers 'broken vessels' - like we find in Tehilim 34:19, 51:19.


How did Hashem answer Moshe's second question - On what merit would Yisrael leave Egypt?


Rashi #1: At the end of three months after leaving Egypt, they would receive the Torah on the very mountain upon which he was standing.


Rashi #2: The fact that Moshe would succeed in his mission was a sign that Yisrael would serve Hashem (receive the Torah) on that mountain; and that was the merit that would stand for Yisrael. 1


Ramban and Da'as Zekenim: 'And the sign for the people to know that I sent you to them is that after leaving Egypt, you will serve Hashem on this mountain.' From then on, they will undertake to worship Hashem and to obey his commands, and they will believe in you forever and go wherever you command them to. This is their merit.


Rashbam: Hashem instructed Moshe to tell Pharaoh that all they wanted, was to sacrifice to Hashem on that mountain 2 - a request that he could reasonably accept.


Seforno: Even though Yisrael were not worthy when they left Egypt, they were prepared to serve Hashem on the mountain.


Rashi: The same concept is to be found in Yeshayah 37:30, where the downfall of Sancheriv was a sign that, although there was a drought, Hashem would bless the Sefichim (the wild seeds).


Rashbam: See 3:18. In fact, Moshe repeated it each time he appeared before Pharaoh. Hashem instructed Shmuel to employ the same strategy when he went to crown David (Refer to 3:11:1:1**).


How is 'you will serve Hashem on this mountain' a sign for Moshe to believe now?


Moshav Zekenim #1: The burning bush was a sign that Moshe will not be harmed [just like it is not consumed]. ''You will serve Hashem on this mountain' answers another question, 'v'Chi Otzi...,' i.e. what is Yisrael's merit to leave Egypt?


Moshav Zekenim #2: The signs for Moshe to believe now were the staff becoming a snake, Tzara'as of the hand, and water turning to blood (4:1-9). ''You will serve Hashem on this mountain" is the purpose of the mission.


Moshav Zekenim #3 citing the Rambam: The wonders Moshe did in front of Bnei Yisrael (4:1-9, 4:30-31) caused them to believe in him temporarily. At Matan Torah, they will acquire permanent trust in him.


Oznayim la'Torah: The sign lay in the fact that Hashem had chosen Har Sinai for Matan Torah, and that He had prepared it for the event via the burning bush, which signified that the Shechinah had already appeared on the mountain and that Hashem had already lit the torch to begin the proceedings, as it were. 1


See Oznayim DH 'v'Zeh Lecha ha'Os' #2, who elaborates.



Rashi writes: "... This vision that you have seen by the Seneh, is the sign for you that I have sent you..." Was Moshe in any doubt, that it was Hashem Who was talking to him?!


Gur Aryeh: When Moshe asked, "Who am I that I would go [and appear] before Pharaoh?" (3:11), he was unsure if the mission would be his own responsibility, or if Hashem would take charge of it entirely and ensure its success. Hashem answered, "[The mission] is not yours, it is Mine!" (Rashi). I will do everything. I will also protect you from harm, just like the Seneh was not consumed.


Rashi writes that at the end of three months after leaving Egypt, they would receive the Torah. It was more than a year when Moshe came to Pharaoh, and less than two months after they truly left!


Moshav Zekenim #1: Kabalas ha'Torah was completed after Moshe was on Har Sinai for 40 days. This was 90 days from Yetzi'as Mitzrayim.


Moshav Zekenim #2: Part of a month counts like a month 1 - the three months are Nisan, Iyar and Sivan.


If so, why did Rashi say 'at the end of three months? (PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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