What is the meaning of "va'Yiz'ak"?
Rashi: He commanded and announced.
What is "mi'Ta'am ha'Melech u'Gedolav"?
Rashi: From his counsel and his great [advisors], they commanded to announce.
Radak: From his counsel and intellect; all his advisors consented. This is like "v'Ta'am Zekenim Yikach" (Iyov 12:20), "b'Shanoso Es Ta'amo" (Tehilim 34:1).
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: From the king's decree.
Does this explain the fast mentioned above (5)?
Radak (5, 7): No. Above, the people themselves repented, fasted and wore sackcloth, before the king commanded. The king added to repent, return theft, and to deny food also to animals.
How will they stop animals from eating?
Malbim: Animals in the houses will not eat (they eat only what they are fed), and flocks in the field will not graze 1 . No animals will drink water.
I.e. people will not take them to graze. They need not guard them from eating what they find by themselves. Similarly, they will not give water to any animals; they need not stop them from drinking on their own. (PF)