
What does the Torah mean when it writes "ve'Lo Nasan lachem Leiv Lada'as ... "?


Rashi: It means that, until that day, Yisrael did not acknowledge the kindnesses of Hashem and cleave to Him. 1


Seforno: It means that, even though Hashem tried - via His teachings and His wonders - to implant understanding in their hearts, He did not achieve His goal due to their rebelliousness. 2


Targum Yonasan: Hashem did not give you a heart to forget, only to understand, and not eyes to (wink and) drop hints, only to see with, and not ears to be stopped-up, only to hear with. But you forgot the Torah with your hearts, dropped hints with your eyes and blocked your ears at this time today.


Avodah Zarah, 5b: Moshe is hinting here that Yisrael were ungrateful. 3


Rashbam: In spite of the many great miracles that Hashem wrought and which they witnessed firsthand.


Seforno: As implied in Sh'mos 10:2. And that explains why it was n ecessary to present the K'lalos - in spite of the fact that a person on his death-bed generally blesses his children, not curses them. See Oznayim, la'Torah on Pasuk #2.


Becuse they did not ask Hashem to show them how to serve him when they were given the opportunity to do so. Refer to 5:16:2:2 and see Torah Temimah, note 1 and Oznayim la'Torah.


What is the significance of the words "Ad ha'Yom ha'Zeh"?


Rashi #1: Refer to 27:9:3:1. Now, for the first time, Moshe understood that Yisrael wanted to cleave to Hashem.


Rashi #2 (in Pasuk 6): Because it takes forty years to fully grasp one's Rebbi's mindset and wisdom 1 - which explains why Hashem did not take them to task until now.


See Ba'al ha'Turim (in Pasuk 3). See also Torah Temimah, note 2.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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