Why does Yom Kipur not precede Rosh Hashanah, so that one's sins should be forgiven before the Day of Judgment?
Refer to Vayikra, 23:25:0:1:1.
Why does the Torah insert the (otherwise superfluous) word "la'Chodesh ha'Shevi'i ha'Zeh"?
Refer to Vayikra, 23:27:3:1.
What does "ve'Inisem es Nafshoseichem" incorporate?
Targum Yonasan: It incorporates a prohibition against eating and drinking, bathing, anointing, wearing shoes and intimacy. 1
See Na'ar Yonasan on Emor, 16:29.
Seeing as the Torah does not use an epression of Achilah, what is the Shi'ur that negates Inuy?
Refer to Vayikra, 23:29:1:1 and note.
Why does the Torah say that the Inuy (fast) of Yom Kipur is on the ninth?
Berachos (8b): To teach us that anyone who eats and drinks on the ninth, the Torah considers it as if he fasted on the ninth and the tenth. 1
Moshav Zekenim: This implies that it is better to fast on the ninth! Rather, the Torah considers it as if we were commanded to fast [also on the ninth], and we fasted. Really, we are commanded to eat, and one is rewarded if he eats extra.