What do we learn from "Min ha'Mamlachos Tihyeh Shefalah"?
Malbim: Do not think that it will be lowly only compared to its former level, but it will be like other kingdoms, which will be lowly then. Rather, it will be lower than them.
Why does it add "v'Lo Sisnasei Od Al ha'Goyim"?
Malbim: Not only will it be below other kingdoms ? it will not even be above collections [of people] without a king 1 .
Malbim: Goy is a lowly nation without a kingdom.
What is the significance of "v'Himat'tim"?
Radak: This is the opposite of "Hineni Mafrecha v'Hirbisicha" (Bereishis 48:4).
What is the meaning of "Redos"?
Rashi: It is an expression of authority, like "u'Rdu bi'Dgas ha'Yam" (Bereishis 1:28). Radak ? it is Makor (gerund), from "Lo Sirdu Vo b'Farech" (Vayikra 25:46).