What is the comparison to a dream?
Rashi: It seems that he sees, but he did not see. So the masses of Goyim will think that they will conquer [Yerushalayim], but they will not succeed.
Malbim: In the morning, one sees that there is no reality to a dream.
What is "Chalom Chazon Laylah"?
Radak: What a person sees in a dream is called Chazon, even though if it is not a Nevu'ah.
Radak citing Targum Yonasan: A dream of thoughts of the night. Verse 8 explains this.
Malbim: It is a dream that is not true; it comes via visions of the night and imagination. It has no reality, and no impression of it remains at all.
Who are "Tzoveha"?
Rashi (here and Shmuel I, 13:23): They set up against [the city] Matzav and Mashchis. The latter is a garrison that runs after spoils of the city. The Matzav are Netzivim to guard lest people leave the city to ravage the army outside the city.
Radak: People who are Tzova (in the army).
Malbim: This corresponds to "v'Chanisi Chador Alayich" (3).
What is "Metzudasah"?
Radak: People of the Metzudah (fortress). They build Metzudos in order to conquer [the city].
Malbim: This corresponds to "va'Hakimosi Alayich Metzuros" (3).
Who are "ha'Metzikim Lach"?
Malbim: This corresponds to "va'Hakitzosi la'Ari'el" (2).