What is the translation of "Tan'acha" and "Mish'artecha"?
Rashi #1: "Tan'acha" means fruit 1 and "Mish'artecha", food - Rashi in Yechezkel, 20:40).
Rashi #2: "Tan'acha" refere to liquids that one filters via a basket and "Mish'art'cha", to solids that remain (Nish'ar) in the receptacle and do not flow.
Rashbam and Targum Yonasan: "Tan'acha" means 'your basket-full of fruit' (of Bikurim - Targum Yonasan) and "Mish'artecha", 'the receptacle into which you place your dough'.
Da'as Zekenim, Rosh, (in Pasuk 3) and Targum Yonasan: "Tan'acha" means 'your baskets of Bikurim, 2 and "Mish'art'cha", 'the Chalah [that you take] from the first of your dough.
Oznayim la'Torah: The Matnos Kehunah begin with the basket just after it hss been picked - as the Torah writes specifically by Bikurim, and ends wirh Chalah. 3 The Torah is therefore indicating that Hashem will bless us from beginning to end.