
Why does the Torah write "Ishah Te'areis" and not 'Ishah Tinasei'?


Oznayim la'Torah: Because this curse took effect in the time of the Greeks, when they decreed that every betrothed girl must spend the night before her marriage with the general.


What is the meaning of "Yishgalenah" (which traditionlly, is read "Yishkavenah")?


Rashi: It means literally that another man will lie with her, 1 only the Torah presents it in a more refined way - as scribes tend to do. 2


Rashi (in Megilah, 25b): As we find in Nechemyah, 2:6. See Torah Temimah, note 26


Gur Aryeh: and we have a principle that 'The Torah (often) speaks in the vernacular'.


What does the Torah mean when it writes "Kerem Sita v'Lo Sechalelenah"?


Rashi: It means 'You will plant a vineyard, but will not redeem its fruit in Yerushalayim in the fourth year ('Neta Revai').

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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