
Why does the Torah insert the word 'ba'Afeilah"? What difference does it make to a blind man whether it is the middle of the day or the midle of the night/


Megilah, 24b: Because, whenever a blind man walks in the day holding a lamp, people will come and assist him to find his way. 1


As R. Yossi learned from a blind man whom he found carrying lamp in the middle of the day. See Megilah, Ibid.


What is the meaning of "Ashuk"?


Rashi: It means that people will contest the legality of everything that you do. 1


Ibn Ezra: It means that others will take away your wife, house, vineyard and ox - as the following Pesukim go on to explain.?


Alshich (citing Yalkut Shimoni Esther, 1056): It refers to Galus Madai, where they did not suffer illnesses or death, only the Nochrim taunted them, constantly threatening that they would kill them tomorrow!


Sifsei Chachamim: It cannot mean withholding wages or Gezel, which have already been mentioned. Therefore, Rashi explains it like the Pasuk in Toldos Bereishis, 26:20 "Shem ha'Be'er Eisek ki His'asku Imo."

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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