
What do we learn from "Ari Nohem v'Dov Shokek Moshel Rasha Al Am Dal"?


Megilah 11a: "Ari Nohem" is Nevuchadnetzar ha'Rasha, about whom it says "a lion rose from his thicket." "V'Dov Shokek" is Achashverosh, about whom it says "and another animal, a second, like a bear 1 ." "Moshel Rasha" is Haman. "Al Am Dal" is Yisrael, who lack 2 Mitzvos.


Rashi: [A Rasha who rules over a poor nation] is to them like a screaming lion and bear.


Malbim: A lion is Sho'eg (roars) when he has prey, and Nohem (screams) amidst pain (hunger) when he has no prey. Then it is very dangerous. It will tear whatever it finds to break its hunger. A bear is Shokek when it is thirsty for blood. So is a Rasha who rules over a poor nation. If he rules over Ashirim, he has what to steal from them; he is like a lion roaring over prey - he is not so dangerous. Over a poor nation, he is constantly Nohem for meat and Shokek for blood, and destroys whatever he encounters.


11a: This refers to Persians, who eat and drink like a bear, and are clothed with flesh like a bear, and grow hair like a bear, and have no rest like a bear.


It seems that the Maharsha's text says "lacked Mitzvos", like Yalkut Shimoni Mishlei 962. In Bava Metzi'a 70b, Rashi says that Nochrim are called poor in Mitzvos, and Shitah Mekubetzes brings so from Midrash Yerushalmi. Even lowly Yisre'elim are full of Mitzvos like a pomegranate (Berachos 57a)! - PF)

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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