Why does it say "Hoshi'ah Es Amecha"?
Radak: Save them from their enemies.
Malbim: Do this (give Oz to them) for the sake of Yisrael, to save them.
Why does it say "u'Varech Es Nachalasecha"?
Radak: Bless the work of their hands.
Malbim: Give to them extra Brachah because they are Your Nachalah. Nachalah means that He chose them to be Kedoshim and special for their G-d for all generations.
What is the meaning of "u'R'em"?
Rashi: It is an expression of Mir'eh (pasture).
Radak: It is (tending flock,) like "k'Ro'eh Edro Yir'eh" (Yeshayah 40:1).
Why does it say "v'Nas'em"?
Radak: Elevate them above their enemies.
Malbim: Elevate them more, because they are Your Nachalah.
Why did he say "Ad ha'Olam"?
Radak: My prayer for them is both in my life and after my death - all days of the world, until the end of the world.