What are the connotations of the words "Kach L'cha"?
What did Hashem mean when he said "Ish asher Ru'ach bo"?
Rashi: He meant that Hashem granted Moshe his request. 1
Seforno: He meant that He had chosen someone who was equipped to receive the Divine Spirit. 2
Seforno: As the Torah wrote in Shemos 31:6 "u've'Leiv Kol Chacham Leiv Nasati Chochmah".
Having appealed to "Elokei ha'Ruchos", why did Hashem reply with "Ish asher Ru'ach bo"?
Until now, nothing is said about Yehoshua other than that he did not move from the Beis-ha'Midrash. Now the Torh adds "Ish asher Ru'ach bo". What sort of credentials are these to be appointed leader of Yisrael to fight the powerful Cana'anim and conquer their land?
Oznayim la'Torah: The best credentials a person can have to succeed on the battlefield is the Spirit of Hashem, 1 as the Navi writes in Zecharyah, 4:6 "Lo ba'Chayil ve'Lo be'Ko'ach, ki-Im be'Ruchi", Amar Hashem".
What are the connotations of "Vesamachta es Yadcha alav"?
Rashi: It means that Moshe should assign him a translator, to enable him to Darshen whilst Moshe was still alive, 1 so that people should not say that he had no importance in Moshe's lifetime.