
What is the significance of the Lashon "Vayedaber Moshe el Hashem ... " ? the only place in the Torah where this Lashon is used.


Ba'al ha'Turim: Moshe was reminding Hashem of all the times that Hashem commanded him (with a Lashon of "Vayedaber") and he obeyed. 1


See Sifsei Chachamim. Refer also to 19:14:1:1.


What are the connotations of the (otherwise superfluous) word "Leimor"?


Rashi (in Beha'aloscha, 12:13): This is one of four places 1 where Moshe asked Hashem to answer him ? as to whether He would fulfill his ensuing request or not.


Refer to 12:13:1:1*.


What is the significance of the fact that Moshe requested that Hashem appoint a leader to replace him at this juncture?


Rashi: It teaches us the praiseworthiness of (Moshe and all) Tzadikim, who, before they leave this world, ignore their personal needs 1 and concern themselves with the needs of the Tzibur.


Refer to 12:13:1:1*.Refer also to 27:16:1:1, where Rashi appears to contradict what he wrote here.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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