
Why does the Torah juxtapose the Parshah of Erchin next to the K'lalos?


Ba'al ha'Turim: Because the total of all the evaluations of the various Erchin adds up to a hundred and forty-three, the equivalent of the forty-five 1 K'lalos in Bechukosai plus the ninty-eight in Ki Savo. 2


Sifsei Kohen 3 (in Pasuk 2): To demonstrate that the curses are not a punishment, but to refine Yisrael and enable them to endure forever, since Hashem cherishes and esteems everyone. 4


This follows the opinion of Midrash Tadshei. Others say that forty-nine curses are listed here. (PF)


Ba'al ha'Turim: And the Parshah of Erchin comes to atone for all the K'lalos.


This is not the Shach (the great commentator on Shulchan Aruch).


Refer to 27:2:3:4.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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