
What are "Honech v'Izvonayich Ma'aravech"?


Malbim: Respectively they are its own wealth, the merchandise that they left with your, and the merchandise given for collateral. This includes all the wealth.


Who are "Malachayich v'Chovelayich Machazikei Bidkech v'Orevei Ma'aravech"?


Malbim: Respectively they are those who conduct the boat, the captain (the nation and the officers), the leaders and the wealthy people.


Who are "uv'Chol Kehalech"?


Malbim: All the people. All the people and wealth fell to the sea.


How will all of these fall in the sea?


Radak: After Nebuchadnetzar conquered Tzor and gathered its wealth inside the city to take it, when they left the city, and they were in their camps outside the city, the sea flooded all the spoils and the dead with the earth of the city. It flooded everything, and the sea returned to its place. The rock on which Tzor was built, it remained.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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