What are the connotations of "Ve'anisa Ve'amarta"?
Rashi, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: 'And you shall declare in a loud voice'. 1
Sotah, 32a: It teaches us, via a Gezeirah Shavah "Ve'anisa" "Ve'anu" from the Levi'im on Har Gerizim and Har Eival - in Ki Savo, 27:14, that the Parshah of Bikurim must be read in Lashon ha'Kodesh. 2
Yerushalmi Bikurim, 3:4: Since the Torah uses the expression "Ve'anisa", the Chachamim, by way of Asmachta, connected this to the Takanah of reading out to the owner the Parshah of Bikurim - for him to repeat. 3
Yerushalmi Bikurim, 2:2: It teachesthat, like Ma'aser Sheini, Bikurim requires Viduy (confession). 4
Da'as Zekenim: Since the Torah does not insert the word 'Ve'anisa' in Pasuk 13, regarding Viduy Ma'aser, only 'Ve'amarta', it is said in a low voice.
See Torah Temimah, note 25.
Following the initial Takanah, to read out only to those who did not know it by heart - after they stopped bringing Bikurim out of embarrassment.
See Torah Temimah, note 27.
Who is "Arami Oveid Avi" referring to?
Rashi #1: It refers to Ya'akov Avinu, when he fled from Lavan, and Lavan chased after him and wanted to kill him 1 but Hashem saved him. 2.. Rashi (in Sotah, 43b): It refers to Lavan, an admission that our ancestor Lavan (the father of our mothers Rachel and Le'ah, Bilhah and Zilpah) was a Rasha.
Seforno: It refers to Ya'akov Avinu, who was for some time 'a lost Aramite', who did not have a permanent home, and was therefore not ready to raise a nation that would inherit Eretz Yisrael.
Rashbam: It refers to Avraham Avinu, who was exiled from his homeland Aram. 2
Sifri: It refers to Ya'akov Avinu, who went to Aram to be destroyed (Galus and travail) 3 - and Lavan is therefore considered as if he destroyed him. 4
Rashi: Because when a Nochri wants to sin but is prevented from doing so, it is considered as if he has sinned. Moshav Zekenim, citing the Aruch ? because he said that he could harm Ya'akov, it is as if he actually did so.
Rashbam: Who is therefore referred to as "Oveid". See Bereishis 20:13 and Tehilim, 119:176.
See Torah Temimah, note 27.
This is basically synonymous with answer #1.
What are the connotations of the continuation of the Pasuk "Vayeired Mitzraymah ... "?
Rashi: After Lavan, there were others who tried to kill us - when Ya'akov took his family down to Egypt.
Who is "bi'Mesei Me'at" referring to?
Rashi: It is referring to the seventy souls that accompanied Ya'akov down to Egypt. 1
See Vayigash Bereishis, 46:27.
What are the implications of "Goy Gadol"