What is the meaning of "Ko le'Chai"?
Rashi #1: So you should shear next year (your Mazal should be alive and intact).
Rashi #2: So (your feast) is proper for a 'live' person, i.e. zealous and important, like "Ben Ish Chai Rav Pe'alim" (2:23:20).
Radak based on Targum Yonasan: You should have this good your entire life.
Radak: This (what follows) is the Brachah for an Ashir (but not for an Oni) - "Mah le'Ani Yode'a Lahaloch Neged ha'Chayim" (Koheles 6:8). The Vov in v'Atah is superfluous, like "va'Yisa Avraham Es Einav" (Bereishis 22:4).
Kli Yakar, from the Zohar: The Brachah was to Hashem. One may not give Shalom first to Resha'im!
What was the Brachah "v'Atah Shalom"?
Rashi: So you should be for length of days.
Malbim: This is one of three Shalom's through which a person succeeds - (a) his own Shalom; (b) "u'Veischa Shalom" (of his family); (c) "v'Chol Asher Lecha Shalom" (of his property and those who accompany him).