
What is the definition of a 'Sadeh Migrash'?


Rashi (in Mas'ei) 1 and Rashbam (citing Mas'ei), Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It is the open area surrounding the town.


Refer to Bamidbar, 35:2:1:1 & 35:4:0.1:1 & 2.


What is the Torah adding here that is not included in the previous Pasuk?


Rashi #1: It is teaching us that, if the treasurer of Hekdesh sells a field that a Levi declared Hekdesh, it reverts to the Levi in the Yovel. 1


Rashi #2 (in Rosh Hashanah, 29a): It teaches us that, even a house in a walled town which does not revert to a Yisrael in the Yovel, reverts to a Levi.


Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It is incorporating the open area surrounding the towns of the Levi'im in the Din of Batei Arei ha'Levi'im.


Erchin, 33a: It is prohibitting the conversion of field or a town of the Lei'im into a Migrash or vice-versa. 2 ?


Rashi: And does not go to the Kohanim, like the field of a Yisrael, as the Pasuk states in Bechukosai, 27:20.


Erchin (Ibid.): Since "Lo Yimacher" which cannot be taken literally - since, in Pasuk 32, the Torah wrote "Ge'ulas Olam Tih'yeh la'Levi'im" - must mean 'cannot be changed. See Torah Temimah, note 179.


Why does the Torah add "Ki Achuzas Olam hi Lahem"?


Erchin, 28a: To forbid the Levi'im to declare their fields or their houses 'Cherem'. 1


See Bechukosai, 27:28. See also Torah Temimah, note 180.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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