
What is "Meshal ha'Kadmoni"?


Rashi: It is the parable of the Kadmon of the world (Hashem, who preceded it); the Torah is His parable.


Radak: It is the parable of the first person to make a parable.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: It is the ancient parable.


Malbim: This parable was from the time of Kayin and Hevel. Hashem avenged Hevel's blood through [a descendant of] Kayin himself, via Lenech. Refer to 24:13:4:4.


What is the meaning of "me'Resha'im Yetzei Resha"?


Rashi citing Makos 10b: Hashem summons a Rasha to fall into the hands of a similar Rasha. Where was this said? "Veha'Elokim Inah l'Yado"


Makos 10b: Hashem arranges that the two men come to the same inn. The Shogeg murderer walks down a ladder and falls on the Mezid and kills him, as he deserved. Now there are witnesses, so the Shogeg murderer is exiled, as he deserves.


Why did he repeat "my hand will not be on you"? Also the previous verse says so!


Malbim: It is whether you will be punished via Shamayim, or via people.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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