What are the connotations of "Hishamer be'Nega ha'Tzara'as ... "?
Rashi, Ramban #1 and Targum Yonasan: It is a Lo Sa'aseh against removing the signs of Tzara'as (even of a Bohak - Targum Yonasan) 1 on one's body 2 or cutting-off the actual mark.
Ramban #2: It is also a La'av against failing to show one's Tzara'as to a Kohen.
Rashbam, Rosh and Da'as Zekenim: It is a warning against favoring a Metzora - even if he is a king like Uziyah 3 he must be sent out of the camp to dwell alone in solitary confinement. 4
See Na'ar Yonasan.
See Torah Temimah, note 107.
Who was in fact stricken with Tzara'as.
Rashbam, Rosh, Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim: And the Pasuk goes on to cite as an example Miriam, who was sent out of the camp for seven days despite her status as a prophetess and the fact that she was the sister of Moshe.
What if Tzara'as appears on the area of the B'ris Milah of a baby on the eighth day after his birth?
Refer to Vayikra, 12:3:1:1 and note.
Why does the Torah say nothing about Tzara'as with regard to the Kohanim?
Ramban: Because, due to the principle 'Kohanim Zerizim heim!' it is not necessary to repeat any Mitzvos concerning them that have already been said. 1
Ramban: 'As I already explained at the beginning of the Sefer'.
Why does the Torah insert the words "Lishmor Me'od"?
Sifri: To incorporate in the La'av cutting off even part of the Shi'ur of Tzara'as. 1
See Torah Temimah, note 108.
Why does the Torah add the word "Lishmor Me'od ve'La'asos"?
Shabbos, 133a: To preclude from the Isur, someone who ties a palm-bast on his foot (to serve as a shoelace), or who places a pole on his shoulder (to carry a load), thereby causing the Tzara'as to become detached. 1
Targum Yonasan: It is a warning to carefully distinguish between Nega'im and Nesakim and between Nega'im that are Tahor and those that are Tamei - in accordance with the instructions of the Kohen.
See Torah Temimah, note 109.
What is the significance of the three Shemiros - "Hishamer", "Lishmor" and "Tishm'ru"?
Oznayim la'Torah: Presumably, they correspond to the three types of Tzzara'as - on the body, on the clothes and on the house. 1
What is the word "ke'Chol asher Yoru eschem ha'Kohanim" coming to include?
Sifri: It includes in the Isur the removal of the Simanim of Tzara'as Begadim and Tzara'as Batim.
"ke'Chol asher Yor eschem ha'Kohanim ha'Levi'im". What is the significance of the Kohanim and the Levi'im?
Rashi (in Divrei Hayamim 2, 17:8): Because traditionlly, they were the teachers in Yisrael.
Targum Yonasan: The Torah means the Kohanim from the tribe of Levi.
What is the significance of the juxtaposition of "Hishamer be'Nega ha'Tzara'as" the Isur of kidnapping?
Malbim (in Pasuk 7): Because, due to the terrible conditions of people who are abducted to be sold as slaves, they are prone to develop Tzara'as. 1 Refer to Bamidbar 12:1:3:3 and note.
Malbim: The Torah permits buying slaves [directly] from nearby [the problems of buying from slave-traders do not apply]. Also, such slaves adopt Kedushas Mitzvos, and are treated almost like Yisre'elim!