What are the connotations of "Vayispok es Kapav"?
Seforno: It is a sign (of frustration) that Balak gave up trying to curse Yisrael.
What is the significance of 'three times?
Oznayim la'Torah: It is based on Bil'am's intention to curse them by making them sin - thereby causing Hashem to agree to curse them. Consequently, the three times correspond to the three antidotes against the Yeitzer ha'Ra - 1. Torah-study; 2. reciting the Sh'ma (accepting Ol Malchus Shamayim); 3. remembering the day of one?s death - testing Yisrael to see whether it was possible to cause them to sin. The first time he said "Tamos Nafshi Mos Yesharim 1 - a proof that they remember the death; the second tme he said "Hein Am ke'Lavi Yakum ... " and "Lo Yishkav ad Yochal Teref" - with reference to Keri'as Sh'ma in the morning and at night (as Rashi explained); and the third time, he said "Mah Tovu Ohalecha Ya'akov ... ka'Arazim alei Mayim" - 'Ein Mayim Ela Torah. 2