
Why does it say "v'Hineh Chulo Kimshonim"?


Sanhedrin 103a: This refers to Amon (who disgraced the Mizbe'ach).


Rashi: Kimshonim are thorns.


R. Yonah (30-33): Authors of Musar said, help matters needed for your Nefashos, e.g. plowing and watering to make seeds sprout. Earthly matters succeed via man's work. Also matters of the Nefesh succeed via growth, learning and conduct. Without these, it will not succeed. Growth is fixing Midos. If one will not fix them, and leave desire in its way, the Nefesh's Midos will be ruined and intellect will be lost. Also the body will perish amidst excess eating and Bi'ah; the Nefesh and body will perish in their sin and punishment.


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 6): He seeks the Perush of a Parashah, and does not find it 1 .


Mesilas Yesharim: His punishment does not come at once, rather, little by little, and he does not sense it. He is drawn from evil to evil until he is sunk in the ultimate evil. Initially he lacked only the proper toil. From there he is drawn not to learn Torah as much as needed, and therefore, when he comes to learn, he does not understand. When he wants to explain the Parashah, he will explain incorrectly, and pervert the Emes and reverse it. He will breach the fences; in the end he will be finished, like all who breach the fences.


What is the meaning of "Kasu Fanav Charulim"?


Sanhedrin 103a: This refers to Yehoyakim (who covered his face from Hashem's light).


Rashi: "Kasu" means Nuchesu (were covered). Charulim are bigger than Kimshonim, and they are sharp like thorns.


Mesilas Yesharim (Perek 6): Because he did not toil in [Torah], he says that Tahor is Tamei and vice-versa, and breaches Chachamim's fence. His punishment is, "u'Foretz Gader Yishechenu Nachash" (Koheles 10:8).


Malbim: The vineyard is covered with thorns.


What is the significance of "v'Geder Avanav Neherasah"?


Sanhedrin 103a: This refers to Tzidkiyahu, for the Mikdash was destroyed in his days.


Rashi: One who does not review the text of his learning, initially he forgets the chapter headings. In the end, he switches the names of Chachamim, and says that Tahor is Tamei and vice-versa, and destroys the world.


Orchos Tzadikim (Sha'ar ha'Atzlus DH ha'Atzlus): Even if he would toil in his field until it produced grain, due to his laziness he will lose the grain, for the stone wall was destroyed, and he is lazy and does not fix it, and animals and thieves enter and take everything. Even though a stone wall is very strong, it is destroyed via his laziness. He did not fix the Chisaron before the wall fell.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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