
Here it says that 10,000 Giborei Chayil were exiled. Verse 16 says 7,000 Anshei ha'Chayil, and Yirmeyah 52:28 says 3,023!


Rashi (16, from Seder Olam 25): Here it gives the total, 10,000. (Later it details 7,000 from Binyamin and other Shevatim. Sefer Yirmeyah counts "Yehudim Sheloshes Alafim [v'Esrim u'Sheloshah]", i.e. gathered from Yehudah. Radak - here it omits the extra 23. Sefer Yirmeyah discusses the exile with Tzidkiyah in Nebuchadnetzar's 18th year - 832 exiles, and after the Churban, in his 23rd year 745, those who were in Amon and Mo'av


Malbim citing Mahari: Here it gives the total, 10,000. Verse 16 counts 7,000 Anshei Chayil and 1,000 were ha'Charash veha'Masger. The other 2,000 were the king's Sarim and Serisim. Sefer Yirmeyah counts only the 2,000 Sarim and Serisim and 1,000 ha'Charash veha'Masger, but not the Anshei Chayil.


Malbim: Yirmeyah wrote both his Sefer and Sefer Melachim. Here he counts the exiles in Nebuchadnetzar's eighth year; it had more people - 10,000 and 7,000 Anshei Chayil; among them were 1,000 ha'Charash veha'Masger. Sefer Yirmeyah discusses a different exile, the previous year, of 3,023 with Yehoyakim. In Divrei ha'Yamim II, 36:10 it says "veli'Seshuvas ha'Shanah


Why does it say "Goleh" (singular)?


Radak: This is like Golim; the Klal (encompassing term) is singular.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: This is a noun (exile).


Who are "ha'Charash veha'Masger"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They are craftsmen and gatekeepers.


Rashi citing Gitin 88a: They are great Chachamim. When one begins [to speak], all are quiet, like "Hacharishu Elai Iyim" (Yeshayah 41:1). Masger - all sit in front of him and learn from him - "u'Fasach v'Ein Soger v'Sagar v'Ein Pose'ach" (Yeshayah 22:22).

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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