
"Ki Yih'yeh b'cha Ish asher Lo Yih'yeh Tahor". What are the words b'cha" and "Ish coming to preclude?


Sifri: "B'cha" precludes a Nochri and "Ish", a Katan 1 who are not subject to Tum'as Keri.


Torah Temimah: Below the age of nine.


Why does the Torah insert the words "Ish asher Lo Yih'yeh Tahor", and not simply "Ish Tamei"?


Pesachim, 3a: To teach us the importance of clean speach. 1


Sifri: To teach us that Mikreh Laylah" is La'av Davka and that the same applies to a Mikreh Yom. 2


Oznayim la'Torah #1: Because it is a practical example of what the Gemara just taught "Venishmarta mi'Kol Davar Ra" - even from Dibur.


Oznayim la'Torah #2: Because the Torah is speaking here about Tzadikim who are on the battelefield, about whom it is pricularly careful to speak in positive terms. 3


Because, although Tamei is not an indecent word per se, on a higher plane it has negative connotations. See also Oznayim la'Torah, who elaborates.


And the Torah mentions "Mikreh Laylah" only because that is when one usually has an emission.


Se Oznayim la'Torah.end of DIbur.


What is the definition of "Mikreh Laylah"? What is the significance of the word "Laylah"?


Rashi: "Mikreh Laylah" is an emission that occurred at night-time (not to preclude a day emission, but), because this is something that normally occurs at nighttime [while sleeping].


What is the significance of the word "Mikreh Laylah"?


Rashi: It is not to preclude a day emission, but because it is something that normally occurs at night-time (when a person is in bed, alone with his thoughts).


Which camp is the Torah referring to?


Rashi (in Pesachim, 88a), Ramban #1, Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: With reference to wartime - when the Aron accompanied Yisrael into war - the Torah is ordering a soldier who had an emission, via an Asei and a Lo Sa'aseh, to leave the Machaneh Shechinah and the Machaneh Leviyah. 1


Rosh: The Torah is hinting that if Yisrael become Tamei through idolatry, which is Metamei like a Nidah, they will be exiled to Bavel, and not enter the Machaneh (return to Eretz Yisrael) until the day of redemption.


Refer to 23:11:3:1 & 2 and notes. Ramban: The reason that the Torah gives in Pasuk15 - "Because Hashem goes in the midst of the camp to save you ... " pertains to all the Mitzvos in Pesukim 11, 12, 13 &14, to keep the camp ? which is like the Mikdash holy and clean - as this causes the soldiers to focus their hearts towards Hakadosh-Baruch-Hu (as opposed to relying on their superior strength), and to hope for His salvation (because the Camp of Yisrael is like the Mikdash Hashem. And it is from here that Chazal learn that, when one Davens, one should keep away four Amos from excrement). See Ramban and refer to 23:10:1:3.


What is the significance of the two Machanos mentioned in the Pasuk?


Rashi: "Veyatza el mi'Chutz la'Machaneh" is an Asei and "Lo Yavo el Toch ha'Machaneh", a Lo Sa'aseh, prohibiting a Tamei Keri from entering the Machaneh Leviyah ? Kal va'va'Chomer the Machaneh Shechinah. 1


Pesachim, 68a: "Veyatza el mi'Chutz la'Machaneh" refers to Machaneh Leviyah and "Lo Yavo el Toch ha'Machaneh", to Machaneh Shechinah - to teach us that a Tamei Keri must leave two Machanos, 2 the Machaneh Shechinah and the Machaneh Leviyah.


Oznayim la'Torah: The latter Pasuk is speakin where the person sees Tum'ah when he is outside the camp and forbids him to enter Machaneh Leviyah.


See Sifsei Chachamim.


See Torah Temimah, note 53, who elaborates.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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