Why does the Torah write "va'Yikar" in connection with Bil'am, and "va'Yikra" in connection with Moshe?
Rashi and Ramban: Refer to Vayikra, 1:1:5:1. 1 (When Hashem appeared to Bil'am, his hair stood on end, a trembling seized him, he was gripped with terror, his whole demeanor changed and he fell on his face to the ground - Ramban).
Refer to Vayikra, 1:1:5:2.
The Ramban adds that the Torah also uses the Lashon "Vayavo Elokim el Bil'am" ? in 22:2, and by others who were not prophets - such as Avimelech - in Bereishis 20:3, and Lavan - in Bereishis 31:24 - See Ramban.
Why, on this occasion, did Hashem appear to Bil'am by day?
Rashi and Ramban: In honor of Yisrael.
What was Bil'am referring to when he said ?es Shiv?as ha?Mizb'chos'?
Why did Bil?am see fit to tell Hashem about the Mizb'chos that he had built?
Ramban (in Pasuk 1): He did so in the form of a prayer, in the hope that Hashem would accept his sacrifices favorably and grant him his request. 1
But He did not, as stated in the next Pasuk.
Why did Bil'am conclude "Va'a'al Par va'Ayil ba'Mizbe'ach"?
Rashi: He was boasting that, whereas Avraham brought only a ram on the Mizbe'ach, he brought a bull as well (on each Mizbe'ach)!