
What reward did Balak receive for the forty-two Korbanos that he brought?


Sotah, 47a: He merited that Rus would descend from him ? who in turn, was the great-grandmother of Shlomoh, who offered s thousand sacrifices, 1 depite the fact that he brought the Korbanos she?Lo li?Sh?mah. 2


Rosh (in 22:41, citing Sotah, 47a): As a result of the forty-two Korbanos 3 that Balak brought, Hashem decreed that forty-two Yisre'elim should die. Moshe prayed that it should not take place in his lifetime, and told Pinchas, who did the same thing. This was passed on to Eli, Shmuel, David, Eliyahu and Elisha. Once, lowly people insulted Elisha; he decided that the decree should be fulfilled through them.


Sotah, ibid.: Which teaches us the principle the principle ?One should busy oneself with Torah and MItzvos even she?Lo Lish?mah ? because it will lead him to performing them Lish?mah?.


Seven Mizb?chos in three locations ? on each of which he brought a bull and a ram. See Torah Temimah, note 20.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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