Why did Bil'am mention the fact that Keil took Yisrael out of Egypt?
Rashi: To counter Balak's statement 1 "Hinei Am Yatza mi'Mitzrayim", as if they left Egypt of their own accord.
Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim (both on Pasuk 20): It means that the One who took them out is strong. 2
In 22:5.
Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim: Since the word Eil is an expression of strength, as in Yechezkel 17:13 ? "ve'es Eilei ha'Aretz Lakach".
What is the meaning of "ke'So'afos Re'em Lo"?
Rashi #1: It means that He took them out of Egypt 'according to the power of His loftiness' 1 .
Rashi #2: It means that He took them out of Egypt as if He was flying on high. 2
Rashi #3:It means that He took them out of Egypt with the strength of Re'emim. 3
Rashi #4 (citing Gitin, 68b): It means that He took them out of Egypt with the might of demons.
Ramban (on Pasuk 21): It means that Hashem's superior strength over all nations is comparable to a Re'em's 4 superior strength over all other animals.
Seforno: It means that Hashem gave them the strength of a Re'em, 5 which pushes with its horns, and not that of a lion, which tears its prey and eats it. 6
Targum Onkelos and Targum Yonasan: It means that Hashem took them out of Egypt and power and loftiness (praise and might ? Targum Yonasan) belong to Him'.
Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim: He is many times stronger than a Re'em. 7 Moreover, another Pasuk compares Hashem to a lion. 8
Gitin, 68b: "ke'So'afos" refers to the angels; "Re'em" to the demons, whom Hashem appoints as His emissaries to do do His bidding. 9
Rashi: With connotations of a fortress, as in Iyov, 22:25.
Rashi: Which is a sign of strength.
Zevachim 113b: Rabah bar bar Chanah saw a newborn Re'em. It was forty Parsa'os long.. See 'The Living Torah, which cites many opinions as to the meaning of "Re'em". See also Oznayim la'Torah, who points out that the Re'em is the largest of all the largest and the strongest of all the animals. See footnote in 'The Living Torah' for more details concerning the Re'em.
Refer to note in the previous answer.
See note on answer #3.
Seforno: Since, when they left Egypt, Hashem intended them to expel the Cana'anim and to inherit their land without killing its inhabitants, as the Pasuk indicates in Tehilim, 80:9. See Seforno.
Refer to 23:22:2:4*.
Da'as Zekenim and Hadar Zekenim: These merely help one comprehend His superhuman power (for really nothing can compare to Hashem at all).
See Torah Temimah on 24:8, note 16.