
What is the meaning of "Ki Im Yesh Acharis [v'Sikvasecha Lo Sikares]"?


Rashi: Here, "Im" means Asher. I.e. due to this there is an end hope to you.


R. Yonah: [Ki 1 ] Im is truly, without doubt, like "Ki Im Yihyeh Leva'er Kayin" (Bamidbar 24:22), "Im Rachatz Hashem Es Tzo'as Benos Tziyon" (Yeshayah 4:4).


Malbim: Do not envy Resha'im, for they have no end - "Acharis Resha'im Nichrasah" (Tehilim 37:38). Acharis is the ultimate end and eternal happiness, which is only with Yir'as Hashem; he will inherit life in the eternal world. Sinners do not have it.


The latter verse teaches that even without 'Ki', Im means truly. (PF)


What do we learn from "v'Sikvasecha Lo Sikares"?


Malbim: Also your Tikvah (hope) in this world will not be cut off. This is the difference between Tikvah and Tocheles. Tikvah is for something not clear and guaranteed. They have no guarantee of success in this world.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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