
What are the connotations of not entering into a covenant "with them and with their gods"?


Ramban #1: It is a prohibition against leaving any Cana'ani alive and any of his idols intact.


Ramban #2: It means not entering into a covenant with them to keep them alive - as long as they adhere to their gods, but not once they relinquish them.


Oznayim la'Torah: It means that in case you say that you will make a covenant with them - for the sake of peace, but not with their gods; 1 therefore the Torah informs you that a covenan with them is synonymous with a covenant with their gods.


Oznayim la'Torah: Like Sh'lomoh ha'Melech said 'I will mary more wives and I will not sin!'.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:

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